
An Uninvited Conversation: The R Series Rated R for Roxanne【電子書籍】[ Camille St. Charles Mississippi ]

An Uninvited Conversation: The R Series Rated R for Roxanne【電子書籍】[ Camille St. Charles Mississippi ]

<p>An Uninvited Conversation: There is a certain type of peace in knowing that if anyone should become an alcoholic by now, Roxanne would be that person. She should be entertaining all types of debauchery, careless behavior and loss of inhibitions because her life is like a bad game of charades. She has been picked apart and derailed by the death of her grandmother. Daydreaming of someone to rescue her and her troubled existence, but the truth of the matter is she might have to wave the white flag of surrender in order to save her own life. It’s getting to the point of her desiring clarity and like they say, clarity is a mother----! Sit back and enjoy the show because everything that you could hope to discover inside of this repenting tale is here. Watch a life in shambles spin out control as most of her good and noble intentions are trampled upon by vicious family members. A heavenly band of angels (E.A.S.D.) and karma take hold to offer a form comic relief along with an erotic thread woven through this</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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税込価格 511円

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